Scope and Influence of Procurement and Supply
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Explain how the new procurement department can use the CIPS Procurement Cycle to
influence the spend on raw materials, deliver cost reductions and enable other value
(25 marks)
See the solution in Explanation part below.
Electronica Manufacturing
Jane Henderson has been brought in to set up and lead a new procurement department at Electronica Manufacturing. It manufactures
a range of electronic products, components and sub-assemblies for clients in the Information technology sector.
Jane has carried out an initial analysis of procurement practices and has discovered that the company has never focused on how
procurement tools and techniques can be used to reduce costs. She is also keen to improve procurement added value, increase quality
and increase end-user satisfaction.
Jane wishes to introduce a more robust approach to procurement and is considering implementing new processes and procedures in
the procurement of raw materials and sub-assemblies.
Using the CIPS Procurement Cycle to Influence Spend on Raw Materials, Deliver Cost Reductions, and Enable Value Benefits
Electronica Manufacturing has historically not focused on procurement’s role in cost reduction or added value. By implementing the CIPS Procurement Cycle, Jane Henderson can establish a structured and strategic procurement process to optimize spend on raw materials, achieve cost reductions, and generate other value benefits. Below is a detailed analysis of how each stage of the CIPS Procurement Cycle can support these goals:
1. Understanding Needs and Developing Specifications
How it Helps:
Jane must assess raw material requirements based on product designs, production needs, and customer expectations.
Avoiding over-specification ensures that materials are fit for purpose rather than unnecessarily costly.
Impact on Electronica Manufacturing:
Prevents unnecessary spending on premium materials that don’t add value.
Ensures cost-effective sourcing without compromising quality.
2. Market Analysis and Supplier Identification
How it Helps:
Conducting supplier market research helps identify competitive suppliers offering better pricing and quality.
Analyzing market trends (e.g., commodity price fluctuations) allows for timely purchasing to mitigate cost increases.
Impact on Electronica Manufacturing:
Reduces costs by sourcing from cost-effective and reliable suppliers.
Identifies potential new suppliers that offer better value and innovation.
3. Developing a Sourcing Strategy
How it Helps:
Jane can implement strategic sourcing, using techniques like long-term contracts, supplier partnerships, and competitive bidding.
A well-defined strategy ensures that procurement aligns with business goals.
Impact on Electronica Manufacturing:
Reduces supply chain risks by diversifying suppliers.
Maximizes cost savings through bulk purchasing and supplier negotiations.
4. Supplier Evaluation and Selection
How it Helps:
A structured evaluation process ensures selection based on cost, quality, reliability, and sustainability.
Supplier benchmarking and total cost analysis ensure best-value sourcing.
Impact on Electronica Manufacturing:
Reduces waste and costs by selecting suppliers that provide consistent quality.
Helps mitigate supply chain risks, ensuring reliable raw material availability.
5. Contract Management and Negotiation
How it Helps:
Jane can introduce structured contracts with cost-control mechanisms, such as fixed pricing, volume discounts, and service-level agreements (SLAs).
Contract negotiation can lock in competitive pricing and ensure supplier accountability.
Impact on Electronica Manufacturing:
Improves cost predictability and budget control.
Strengthens supplier relationships, leading to better terms and cost efficiencies.
6. Purchase Order Processing and Expediting
How it Helps:
Implementing an efficient purchase order (PO) system reduces administrative inefficiencies and speeds up raw material procurement.
Use of automated procurement systems (e.g., ERP systems) ensures cost-effective order processing.
Impact on Electronica Manufacturing:
Reduces administrative overheads and human errors.
Ensures faster lead times and better inventory control, reducing stock shortages and excess inventory costs.
7. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)
How it Helps:
Establishing collaborative relationships with key suppliers can drive joint cost-saving initiatives.
Long-term supplier partnerships can lead to better pricing, innovation, and risk-sharing.
Impact on Electronica Manufacturing:
Reduces costs through supplier-led efficiency improvements.
Encourages supplier innovation, leading to better materials and higher-quality products.
8. Performance Review and Supplier Development
How it Helps:
Regular supplier performance reviews ensure that quality, cost, and delivery expectations are met.
Supplier development programs can help underperforming suppliers improve efficiency, reducing procurement risks.
Impact on Electronica Manufacturing:
Improves product quality and consistency, reducing defects and waste-related costs.
Enhances supplier accountability, leading to more cost-effective procurement.
9. Risk Management and Compliance
How it Helps:
Jane can introduce risk management strategies such as dual sourcing, inventory buffers, and price hedging to mitigate supply chain disruptions.
Ensuring compliance with ethical, legal, and sustainability standards reduces long-term operational risks.
Impact on Electronica Manufacturing:
Reduces financial and operational risks, improving business continuity.
Strengthens brand reputation by ensuring ethical sourcing.
10. Procurement and Supply Strategy Review
How it Helps:
Continuous evaluation of procurement strategies ensures alignment with changing market conditions and company goals.
Data-driven decision-making through spend analysis and procurement reporting allows for ongoing cost optimizations.
Impact on Electronica Manufacturing:
Enhances procurement efficiency and sustains cost reductions.
Ensures procurement remains a value-adding function rather than a cost center.
By applying the CIPS Procurement Cycle, Jane Henderson can transform Electronica Manufacturing’s procurement function from an ad-hoc, cost-inefficient process into a strategic, value-driven function. This structured approach will enable smarter spending on raw materials, continuous cost reductions, and broader business benefits, such as improved quality, efficiency, and stakeholder satisfaction.
Implementing procurement best practices will not only reduce costs but also drive long-term business sustainability and competitive advantage.
Explain, with examples, the advantages of a Procurement Department using electronic systems (25 marks)
See the solution in Explanation part below.
- Mention of some of the following benefits with at least one example provided against each; cost savings, time savings, more efficient, higher levels of transparency, easier to access historical records to inform upon decision making, mitigates risks such as fraudulent spending, easier to track spend against budgets, ensures compliance with regulations, provides ‘real-time’ information, paperless communications (so more environmentally friendly), assists in Supply Chain Management and integration with supply partners.
- I’d suggest 5 is a good amount to aim for
Example Essay
Procurement stands to gain numerous benefits from the adoption of electronic systems. These electronic tools and systems bring efficiency, accuracy, transparency, and cost-effectiveness to the procurement process. Here are several compelling reasons why procurement should leverage electronic systems:
Cost savings – the use of electronic tools saves organisations money. Although there is an initial cost outlay, over time the systems will save the organisation money. For example the use of e-procurement tools can save money by accessing a wider pool of suppliers. For example, when using an e-sourcing portal, a tender may reach a larger number of suppliers- this makes the tender more competitive thus driving down prices. Compared to traditional methods such as phoning suppliers for prices, the use of electronic portals encourages suppliers to ‘sharpen their pencils’ and provide the best prices in order to win work. Money is also saved as communication is digital (so there is no costs for paper and postage).
Time savings – electronic tools automate a lot of processes which saves time. An example of this is e-requisitioning tools where orders can be placed automatically by a piece oftechnology when quantities of a material reach a certain level. For example, in a cake manufacturing organisation they may use an MRP system which calculates how many eggs are required per day. The machine knows that when the company only have 50 eggs left, a new order needs to be issued to the supplier. The MRP system (e-requisitioning system) therefore saves time as the Procurement department doesn’t have to manually pick up the phone to place the order with the supplier- it is done automatically.
Access to higher levels of information - e-Procurement gives you centralised access to all your data. You can access the system to look at historical purchases with ease compared to having to dig through folders and filing cabinets. For example, an electronic PO system will hold details of all historical POs, this means if someone has a question about a PO that was raised 4 months ago, finding the information is much easier and quicker. Some systems may also be able to provide analytical data such as changes to spend over time, or which suppliers a buyer spends the most money with. This higher level of information can help inform upon future decision making. For example, if the organisation wishes to consolidate its supplier base it would look through historical data provided by the electronic system to find out which suppliers are used the least and remove these from the ‘pre-approved supplier list’. This level of data might not be available in manual systems.
Better budget tracking – using electronic systems allows for real-time information to be collected which allows Procurement Managers to see where spend is compared to forecasts and budgets. An example of this is in the use of Pre-Payment Cards – rather than giving staff members petty cash to make transactions and having to chase this up and collect receipts and change, a pre-payment card usually comes with an online portal where a manager can see what has been purchased and the remaining budget on that card for the month. A manager may be able to see for example that a member of staff has spend £300 of their allotted £500 monthly allowance.
Higher levels of transparency and control – using E-procurement tools allows an organisation to track who is ordering what. For example, an e-requisitioning tool may allow Procurement Assistants to make purchases up to £500 but set an automatic escalation if they try to buy something of higher value. This allows for Management to have greater levels of visibility and more control over spending. Another example of transparency and control is in the use of e-sourcing tools to run a competitive tender exercise. All communication between the buyer and suppliers is tracked on the system and award letters can be sent via the system too. This reduces the risk of information being lost.
Environmental benefits- the use of e-procurement tools means that there is less paperwork involved. For example, rather than creating a physical PO which needs to be signed by a manager, an electronic system can allow a manager to sign-off the purchase by clicking a button. This means there is no requirement for the document to be printed. This saves paper and thus has a positive on the environment. Using electronic systems may help an organisation achieve their environmental targets.
In conclusion there are numerous benefits for procurement to adopt e-procurement tools. Depending on the sector and requirements of each individualised company, some advantages may be more pertinent than others, but it is undeniable that technology is helping to shape the industry into a value adding function of organisations.
Tutor Notes
- With an essay like this you could use subheadings and number the advantages if you like. It’s a good idea to do one advantage per paragraph and using formatting really helps the examiner to read your essay.
- study guide p.108
What is a Code of Ethics? What should an Ethical Policy Contain? What measures can an organisation take if there is a breach of their Ethical Policy? (25 points)
See the solution in Explanation part below.
- Firstly give a short definition of Code of Ethics: a document that sets out moral principles or values about what is right and wrong.
- What an Ethical Policy should contain: Condition of workers, Environment, H+S, Discrimination, Gift / Bribery Policy, Whistleblowing, Confidentiality, Fair Dealings, Declaration of Conflict of Interests. You won’t have time to go into depth on all of these, so pick a few where you want to give an example.
- Measures to take if there is a breach: depending on what the breach is and who breached it this could include: education/ training, sanctions, blacklisting, reporting to authorities, publicise the issue, use a performance improvement plan, issue warnings, dismissal.
Example Essay:
A code of ethics is a formal document or set of principles that outlines the values, ethical standards, and expected conduct for individuals within an organization. It serves as a guide for employees and stakeholders, shaping their behaviour and decision-making to align with the organization's ethical framework. It may take the form of a Mission Statement, Core Values, Specific Guidelines or established reporting mechanisms. The purpose of the Code is to establish standards, promote integrity, mitigate risks and build trust- with both internal and external stakeholders.
A Code of Ethics may contain the following:
- Condition of workers – stating what the company will provide to the employees to make sure the environment is safe. This could include the physical environment but also hours worked, opportunities for breaks etc. Depending on the sector it could detail shift patterns, expectations regarding overtime and compensation.
- Environment – this section would discuss compliance with legislation regarding pollution, disposal of waste materials etc. Depending on the company’s goals- they may have higher commitments to the environment than those imposed by the government. Additional commitments may include NetZero targets or the use of renewable sources of energy.
- H+S- Health and Safety. Ensuring that the working environment is free of hazards and that workers have the training and equipment they need to complete the work safely.
g. PPE- Discrimination- a promise not to discriminate based on any characteristic. Aligns with the Equalities Act. Policy should include how the company would handle situations, for example if an employee reports an issue of discrimination or harassment. This may involve the use of a whistleblowing hotline or details on how to contact HR.
- Gift / Bribery Policy – this area of the code of conduct would explain whether the company allows staff members to receive gifts (e.g. from suppliers) and the processes to complete if they do (e.g. return the item, complete an internal document, donate the gift to charity). Different companies and industries will have different rules surrounding this, the Public Sector is much more likely to reject gifts from suppliers for example.
- Declaration of conflict of interests- this explains what staff should do if there is a conflict. For example if they are running a tender and their father owns one of the suppliers who is bidding for the work. The conflict of interest policy will explain what the person should do, how to report it and have mechanisms in place to ensure that nothing untoward could come of the situation. This may be having another member of staff mark the tender to ensure unbiasedness.
Measures to take in case of a breach
A response to a breach will depend on who breached the policy – whether this is an employee or a supplier. It will also depend on the severity of the breach.
Remedies for a supplier breach could include: education / training if the breach is minor. Supplier development if the relationship with the supplier is very important (for example if there are no other suppliers the buyer could turn to) and the breach is minor. If the breach is major such as fraud or misappropriation of funds, a buyer could look to issue sanctions, claim damages and dismiss the supplier. There could be options to claim liquidated damages if this is included in the contract. For very serious offenses the buyer may blacklist the supplier- never use them ever again and could also report the issue to the police if the breech is also criminal (e.g. modern slavery or fraud).
Remedies for an employee breach could include: for minor breaches training may be required, particularly if it was a junior member of the team and it was an innocent mistake like forgetting to fill out a form when they received a Gift. The employee could be carefully monitored and put on an Improvement Plan. If internal issues are found, such as several staff are breaching the Code of Ethics, senior management could look to review policies to make sure issues are being flagged and responded to in the best way. Employees who fail to follow the Ethical Policy, either through routinely failing to adhere to it or through a major breach could be dismissed from the organisation. There would need to be strong evidence of this.
In conclusion it is important for all organisations regardless of size of industry to have an Ethics Policy. Sharing the code of ethics with staff is a fundamental step in embedding ethical principles into the organizational culture. Regular communication and training reinforce these principles, fostering a shared commitment to ethical behaviour across all levels of the organization.
Tutor Notes
- In an essay like this it’s always a good example to use examples. They can be hypothetical – you don’t have to know any company’s Ethics policy off by heart.
g. If a supplier breached a buyer’s Ethical Policy by employing Child Labour in their factories, an appropriate measure for the buyer to take would be to cancel the contract and find another supplier. This is because not only is Child Labour illegal, the buyer will not want to be associated with this supplier as it will have negative repercussions on their image. The best response would therefore be to distance themselves from the supplier.- Code of Ethics and an Ethics Policy are the same thing. Just different language. The terms can be used interchangeably
- Study guide p. 128
Discuss the importance and role of an organisation’s branding in procurement and supply operations (25 marks)
See the solution in Explanation part below.
How to approach the question
- This is a very open question so your essay could discuss
o the functions of a brand; e.g. advertising, marketing, creating trust, identity
o What is effective branding? Strong image, convincing people to purchase, shared values with customers, offering a solution to a problem.
o The impact for procurement and supply chain isn’t explained in the study guide so tailor this however you like. The best thing to do would be to think about some companies where branding is important, such as luxury goods, cars, or the brand is synonymous with a particular aspect such as Apple being associated with innovative technology. From there you could argue the importance of selecting the right suppliers to work with in order to keep up the brand image. Another example could be an ethical company needing to ensure their supply chain is ‘clean’, so as not to damage their branding. Possibilities are endless with this one.
Example Essay
In the contemporary business landscape, the significance of branding extends far beyond marketing and consumer perception. In procurement and supply operations, an organization's brand plays a pivotal role in shaping relationships with suppliers, determining the quality of goods and services that are procured, and influencing overall supply chain efficiency. This essay delves into the importance of branding in procurement and supply, exploring how a strong brand image can drive competitive advantage, foster trust and collaboration, and impact an organization's bottom line.
Building Competitive Advantage Through Brand Reputation:
The reputation of an organization's brand is a key determinant in attracting and retaining high-quality suppliers. A strong brand often correlates with financial stability, market presence, and business ethics, making such organizations more appealing to work with. This advantage is critical in procurement as it can lead to preferential treatment, such as priority access to scarce resources, better payment terms, and opportunities to collaborate on innovative products. For example, a well-regarded technology company might receive earlyaccess to cutting-edge components from suppliers eager to be associated with a market leader.
Enhancing Supplier Relationships and Negotiations:
Branding extends into the realms of trust and reliability, essential components in building long-term relationships with suppliers. A well-respected brand often implies a history of fair dealings, prompt payments, and mutual respect, which can make suppliers more willing to negotiate favourable terms. This trust can be particularly vital in times of supply chain disruptions or market volatility. Suppliers are more likely to extend credit or expedite orders for trusted partners, which can be invaluable for maintaining uninterrupted operations.
Influencing Quality and Sustainability Standards:
An organization's brand also communicates its commitment to quality and sustainability, which are increasingly crucial in procurement decisions. Suppliers aligning with brands that emphasize high-quality standards are often more diligent in maintaining these standards in their products and services. Additionally, a strong brand committed to sustainability can drive supply chain practices that align with environmental and social governance (ESG) principles. This commitment can lead to long-term cost savings, risk mitigation, and enhanced brand loyalty among environmentally conscious consumers.
Brand Image and Consumer Perception:
The procurement function directly impacts the final product quality, which in turn affects consumer perception of the brand. An organization's ability to procure high-quality, ethically sourced materials can significantly enhance its brand image and appeal to a broader customer base. For instance, a fashion brand's commitment to ethical sourcing and procurement of sustainable materials can bolster its image as an environmentally responsible brand, appealing to a growing demographic of eco-conscious consumers. The reverse is also true, brands associated with child or forced labour where this is found to be in their supply chains can suffer from loss of customers, revenue and reputation as well as potentially even legal consequences.
Internal Branding and Employee Engagement in Procurement:
Internal branding, the way an organization's values and culture are perceived by its employees, plays a crucial role in procurement. Employees who are proud of their organization's brand are more likely to engage deeply with their work, leading to better performance in procurement roles. This engagement can result in more innovative procurement strategies, improved vendor management, and a greater focus on aligning procurement practices with the organization’s overall strategic goals.
The role of an organization's branding in procurement and supply operations is deeply impactful. A strong brand can create competitive advantages, foster better supplier relationships, influence quality and sustainability standards, enhance consumer perception, and drive employee engagement. In the modern business world, where supply chains are complex and consumer expectations are high, branding is not just a marketing tool but a strategic asset in procurement and supply operations. Organizations that recognize and leverage the power of their brand within these operations are poised to achieve greater efficiency, sustainability, and overall success.
Tutor Notes
- This is a really random section of the study guide and doesn’t really relate to the rest of the content. Branding comes up on p.226 – 228. It therefore can come up as a question, but because it’s such as small part of the syllabus, don’t focus too much effort on this subject.
- If you remember one line from this topic it’s this: “branding is not just a marketing tool but a strategic asset in procurement and supply operations”
- This type of question could come up as a scenario / case study.
g. How does the branding of X Company impact upon their supply chain.What is meant by the ‘Third Sector’? Describe the sector (10 points) and explain the main objectives of organisations who operate in this sector (15 points).
See the solution in Explanation part below.
How to approach this question
- Description of the ‘third sector’ - the part of an economy comprising non-governmental and non-profit-making organisations including charities, voluntary and community groups, and cooperatives. These organisations reinvest surplus profits back into the enterprise to further their objectives. This is worth 10 points so should be a good 2-3 paragraphs, with examples.
- Main objectives – these could include engaging with stakeholders, social or environmental aims, education, providing a service to the community, stewardship role. There’s more points for this question so you should have more content here.
Example Essay
The 'Third Sector' refers to a segment of the economy distinct from the public (government) sector and the private (for-profit) sector. It encompasses a diverse range of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), charities, foundations, social enterprises, cooperatives, and other non-profit entities. These organizations are primarily driven by social, environmental, cultural, or community objectives rather than the pursuit of profit. They often operate based on values such as democracy, equality, and social justice. The Third Sector plays a crucial role in providing services, advocating for social causes, and filling gaps left by the public and private sectors.
The third sector is often called the ‘not-for profit’ sector. It’s distinguished from the private sector in that the main aim isn’t to make money for money's sake. The main aim is to generate money to reinvest back into the organisation so that the organisation can achieve the purpose it was set up for. Whereas the private sector may exist solely to make money, the third sector has a ‘higher aim’.
Organisations operate in a very narrow marketplace. They may be the only provider in that marketplace. For example the RNLI is the only operator of lifeboats and the only organisation that sets out to save lives at sea- there is no ‘competitor’.
3rd Sector Organisations have multiple sources of income; e.g. subscriptions or donations, or from donated goods that they then sell on (such as Oxfam shops), fundraising activities or selling merchandise. The sector also has a wide range of stakeholders.
The third sector is subject to same regulations as private and public companies but also has its own regulations imposed by the Charities Commission. This is a statutory regulation body which checks charities are run for public benefit and not private advantage, ensures charities are independent, and sets out to remedy serious mismanagement. They can audit, offer advice and investigate complaints. Therefore the sector is highly regulated.
Organisations in this sector have a huge range of objectives depending on why they were set up. These can be very specific, for example: charities such as Cancer Research (objective- find a cure for cancer), Museums (objective- educate the public), CIPS (objective - provide professional services to a particular industry), trade unions (objective- defend the rights of workers), pressure groups (objective- change laws and practices they morally disagree with).
However organisations in this sector do have overarching objectives in common.
1. Survival – Generating Enough Money to Continue Operations: Survival is a fundamental objective for Third Sector organizations. Unlike for-profit entities, these organizations do not aim to generate profits for shareholders but need sufficient funding to sustain their operations. This funding often comes from donations, grants, fundraising activities, and sometimes income from services provided. The challenge lies in balancing the mission with the need for financial stability, ensuring that the organization can continue to serve its community and pursue its goals over the long term. Financial sustainability is crucial, particularly in a sector where funding sources can be uncertain and competition for donations is high.
2. Creating Awareness of Their Cause: Raising awareness is vital for Third Sector organizations, as it helps to educate the public, garner support, attract volunteers, and drive fundraising efforts. Awareness campaigns are essential in highlighting the issues these organizations address, whether it's health, environmental conservation, social justice, or cultural preservation. Effective communication strategies, including the use of social media, public events, and collaborations, are employed to reach a wider audience. The more people know about a cause, the more likely they are to support it, either through donations, volunteering, or advocacy.
3. Compliance with Regulations and the Charities Commission: Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements is a critical objective. In many countries, including the UK, Third Sector organizations are regulated by bodies like the Charities Commission. These organizations must adhere to specific legal standards, including financial transparency, governance practices, and ethical guidelines. Compliance ensures credibility and trustworthiness, which are essential for maintaining public confidence and the continued support of donors and volunteers. It also ensures that the organization operates within the law, avoiding legal issues that could jeopardize its mission.
4. Providing a Service to the Community: The core of a Third Sector organization's mission is to provide services or benefits to the community. These organizations often address needs that are unmet by the private or public sectors, focusing on improving the quality of life for certain populations or addressing specific societal issues. This objective can take many forms, from offering direct services like healthcare and education to advocating for policy changes that benefit underserved communities. The impact of these services on the community can be profound, often bringing about significant social change.
5. Fulfilling a ‘Gap in the Market’: Many Third Sector organizations exist to fill gaps in services not provided by the public or private sectors. A classic example is the provision of air ambulance services in the UK. While the government provides comprehensive healthcare services, there's a gap in the rapid transportation of critically ill patients, which is filled bycharities operating air ambulances. These organizations identify specific needs that are not adequately addressed and work to meet them, often innovating in the process. By fulfilling these gaps, they play a crucial role in complementing existing services and enhancing the overall welfare of society.
In conclusion, Third Sector organizations operate with a unique set of objectives that distinguish them from other sectors. Their focus on survival, awareness-raising, compliance, community service, and filling market gaps is essential not only for their existence but also for the significant societal impact they make. These objectives align with the overarching mission of the Third Sector to contribute positively to society, addressing needs and issues often overlooked by other sectors.
Tutor Notes:
- A strong essay will use real life examples of organisations in the third sector and their objectives. I’ve mentioned a couple above such as Cancer Research UK: Our strategy to beat cancer | Cancer Research UK and North West Air Ambulance Charity: Home | North West Air Ambulance Charity ( but pick charities you know well.
- LO 4.4. P.230
Describe the main characteristics of, and differences between, procuring goods, services and construction works (25 points)
See the solution in Explanation part below.
- there are a lot of components to this question so I would take a good 5 minutes to write out some bullet points on the characteristics of each one, and on some differences. Then from your notes make this into an essay. The mark scheme isn’t 100% clear on how many characteristics and differences you need to name, so try and keep an equal split between the two areas. You would probably need 2-3 characteristics of each, and 3 differences for a good score.
- Characteristics of goods: tangible, homogeneous, items tend not to perish quickly, can be stored
- Characteristics of services: intangible, heterogenous, inseparable (produced and consumed at the same time), no transfer of ownership, perish upon use (i.e. cannot be stored)
- Characteristics of construction work: project-based procurement, includes procuring both goods and services, complex procurement which has its own set of regulations (CDM2015).
- Differences between these
1) goods are not usually outsourced and services can be.
2) Complexity of the supply chain (goods and construction may have a complex supply chains, but service contracts usually only involve 2 parties).
3) Timescales – construction work has a designated timescale but procurement of goods could be a one off or long-term contract, services is usually a long-term contract.
Example Essay
Procurement is a multifaceted field, and understanding the nuances between procuring goods, services, and construction works is pivotal for effective management. This essay explores the main characteristics that differentiate these categories.
Tangible / Intangible:
Goods are tangible items that can be physically seen and touched. For instance, raw materials like wheat and sugar in a manufacturing organization are tangible goods. On the other hand, services are intangible—though the results can be observed, the service itself cannot be touched. An example is a cleaning contract for a factory; while the effects of the cleaning are visible, the service itself remains intangible. Construction is usually a mixture of tangible and intangible procurement; the tangible is the construction materials such as bricks and windows, and the intangible aspect is the labour to complete the project.
Heterogeneous / Homogeneous:
Goods are generally homogeneous, meaning they are always the same. For example, steel purchased for manufacturing purposes will always be the same. In contrast, services areheterogeneous, varying each time they are rendered. Customer service, for instance, is inherently different each time due to the dynamic nature of customer interactions. Construction could be either heterogeneous or homogeneous depending on the project – is it a one off unique building, or is it a large housing estate of same-build properties?
Transfer of Ownership:
When goods are procured, there is a transfer of ownership. The product becomes the property of the buyer upon delivery and payment. In contrast, services do not involve a transfer of ownership as there is no physical entity to transfer. In construction the transfer of ownership is extremely complex and varies depending on the project. Usually the buyer will retain ownership of the land throughout the project, but on some occasions the construction company may take ownership for insurance purposes.
Storable (Separable/ Inseparable):
Goods are storable, allowing for purchase on one day and use on another. For example a factory can buy in plastic to be used to manufacture toys and this is stored in inventory until the time comes to make the toys. However, services are consumed at the point of purchase, making them inseparable. The service is bought and utilized simultaneously. Services cannot be stored. This is the same for construction.
Ability to Outsource:
Goods are rarely outsourced, as they are typically purchased directly from suppliers. Services, on the other hand, can be easily outsourced—examples include outsourcing finance, cleaning, or security services. Construction works are commonly outsourced, with external companies hired to execute projects.
Complexity of the Supply Chain:
Service contracts often involve a simple two-party relationship between the buyer and the supplier. Goods and construction, however, may have complex supply chains. For example, procuring a pen involves a supply chain with various steps, including the raw material supplier, manufacturer, and possibly a wholesaler. Construction works often feature a tiered supply chain with subcontractors playing crucial roles.
Construction as a Hybrid:
Construction procurement represents a hybrid, incorporating elements of both goods and services. It involves hiring a service, such as a bricklayer for laying bricks, while also procuring the tangible goods—bricks. Separating goods from services in construction is challenging, as they are often intertwined, and both aspects are paid for simultaneously.
In conclusion, distinguishing between the procurement of goods, services, and construction works is essential for effective supply chain management. The tangible or intangible nature, heterogeneity, transfer of ownership, storability, outsourcing potential, and supply chain complexities offer a comprehensive framework for understanding the unique characteristics of each category. Recognizing these distinctions empowers organizations to tailor their procurement strategies to the specific challenges and dynamics associated with goods, services, and construction works.
Tutor Notes
- What a characteristic is can also be a difference. So for example you can say tangible is a characteristic of goods but tangibility is also the main difference between goods and services. So don’t worry too much about which order to write stuff in, or doing clear sections for this type of essay. It all comes out in the wash.
- Other differences in procuring these include:
- Costs: procuring goods such as stationary for an office will be low-cost so may not require approval, but a service contract may require management sign off. Procuring construction projects tend to be huge sums of money
- Where the budget comes from: goods and services may be operational expenditure and construction works capital expenditure.
- The level of risk involved in the procurement: goods tends to be quite low risk and construction high risk.
- Types of contract involved: procuring goods may be very simple and just require a PO, services is more complex so may require a formal contract or Deed of Appointment. Construction projects will require a contract due to the high value and high risk of the purchase
- Legislation – Goods = Sale of Goods Act, Construction - CDM Regulations 2015. Construction is much more heavily regulated than services or goods. Note CDM regulations isn’t part of CIPS. It’s occasionally referenced in various modules but you don’t have to really know what it is. Just know it’s the main legislation governing the construction industry. Construction - Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015 (
- Study guide LO 1.3.1 p. 40, but mainly p. 52 for services. NOTE the title of this learning outcome includes construction and it is hardly mentioned in the study guide. Most of the above information on construction comes from my own knowledge rather than the book.
Describe 3 stages of the sourcing cycle that occur in the post-contract award stage (25 marks)
See the solution in Explanation part below.
How to approach the question
Your answer should provide details on 3 of the following:
- Contract Award and Implementation
- Warehouse Logistics
- Contract performance and Improvement
- Supplier Relationship Management
- Asset Management
Because the question is only asking for 3 stages, you’re going to have to go much more into detail for each stage, giving lots of information about why each stage is important and examples. You could consider thinking of an example procurement you have done recently and explaining the stages for that. Or you could take a hypothetical procurement too. Either will get you the same marks. Pick the three that you can write the most about.
Essay Plan
Introduction – explain that sourcing of goods and the role of Procurement doesn’t end once a contract is signed. There is ongoing management and processes which must be carried out to ensure success.
Paragraph 1 – Contract Performance and Improvement
· This is about ensuring contract obligations are fulfilled. Contract administration includes P2P procedures, database management, budgeting / costs monitoring, reporting and dispute resolution
· Procurement’s role may be in managing contract performance through the use of SLAs and / or KPIs. This can be done via reporting, using a Supplier Scorecard and meeting regularly to discuss.
· It’s important KPIs are measured and that there are consequences for failing to meet them. An example of consequences could be using a Performance Improvement Plan.
· Contract Management also includes updating the contract where required – e.g. issuing variations to contract and updating the change control log
· Another important aspect of this is ensuring the costs remain within scope of the budget
· Contract performance can be compared if you have several suppliers delivering the same goods- could use a Factor Rating Method.
· Performance could be measured against several criteria such as on time deliveries, response time of supplier, number of complaints.
Paragraph 2 – Supplier Relationship Management
· There is a difference between managing the contract and managing the supplier relationship. It’s possible to have excellent contract performance and a terrible relationship. However, the two are generally linked- where there is a good relationship, the contract often performs well.
· The supplier management approach depends on where the relationship falls on the relationship spectrum (e.g. transactional or collaborative)
· This involves; maintaining regular contact with the supplier, motivating the supplier, working collaboratively with them (e.g. on performance issues or resolving any disputes)
· Incentivising the supplier leads to collaboration and mutual support
· To assess or rank suppliers you could use a vendor rating method or supplier evaluation forms
· Supplier relationship management may involve investing in the supplier- e.g. through training or technology sharing
Paragraph 3 – Asset Management
· Includes creating a post contract ‘lessons-learned’
· Assessments should be carried out to determine if business requirements have changed, whether the agreement is still required and fit for purpose, what can be learnt from the process and how improvements can be incorporated next time.
· This is the final stage of the Procurement Cycle and takes us back to the start of cycle, which begins again when the item needs to be reprocured
· Whole life costing should be considered at this stage: this is the total cost of ownership over the life of an asset. The concept is also known as life-cycle cost (LCC) or lifetime cost, and is commonly referred to as "cradle to grave" or "womb to tomb" costs.
· Generally used on large purchases such as machinery and vehicles. Full Asset Management may not necessary for direct cost items such as raw materials incorporated into final goods.
· Considerations may include; costs of running the asset, how long it will perform, insurance, maintenance, opportunity costs, disposing of the asset.
· Also consider environmental and social impacts of the procurement.
Conclusion – it is important that procurement are involved at every stage of the cycle, not just in the pre-award stages. Procurement can add value at every stage.
Tutor Notes
- Depending on the examples you choose to use, you could talk about how the type of item procured could impact on the different stages. For example, high risk purchases may require more contract management than low risk purchases, and capital expenditure items such as new machinery may require more attention to the Asset Management stage.
- You could also think about how procurement adds value at each of the stages.
- Study guide p. 79
Explain what is meant by added value (5 points). Describe 4 ways the Procurement Department can add value for their organisation (20 points)
See the solution in Explanation part below.
What to include in the essay:
- Definition of added value: the economic enhancement given to products or services before offering them to customers. Examples may include a product which has additional features at no additional cost to the customer or the provision of an extended warrantee.
- Description of four of the following with examples and Explanation: s: providing better customer service levels, risk management, cost control and reduction, relationship management, reputation management, innovation, use of technology, streamlining processes, improving specifications, increasing sustainability, improving quality, ordering processes such as bulk ordering, inventory management, improving the product from the customer’s perspective (e.g. packaging, exclusivity), sustainability, convenience, market development.
Example essay:
Added value in procurement refers to the enhancement or improvement in the economic worth, quality, or utility of products or services before they are offered to customers or end-users. In the context of procurement, the goal is to go beyond simply obtaining goods or services at the lowest cost. Instead, procurement aims to contribute additional value to the organization through various means. This essay explores the concept of added value and outlines four ways the Procurement Department can contribute to organizational improvement.
Improving Specifications
Procurement can add value firstly by ensuring all critical items are procured against a specification, and secondly by improving and regularly updating those specifications. For example, the procurement department might be responsible for procuring light-bulbs for an office. Having an effective specification for this purchase (lightbulbs must meet X safety standard and Y environmental standard) would result in less maverick buying for the organisation and the procurement of a better-quality product. Furthermore, regularly updating specifications ensures that purchases are made against current safety standards and regulations (e.g. the use of low-energy lightbulbs). If procurement don’t update specifications, then there is a risk that items are bought that don’t meet the correct standards. Added value in this regard could also therefore be considered the removal of risks of procuring the wrong item.
Stream-lining Processes
Procurement can add value by stream-lining processes such as requisitions and POs. This reduces the time it takes to procure an item, thus saving the company money. Another process that could be streamlined is the re-ordering process of regularly bought items. This could be automated when the stock levels reach a certain level. For example if an organisation requires its staff to wear PPE, an automatic request could be made once there are only 50 face masks left.
Managing Supplier Relationships
Having strong, positive relationships with suppliers is a source of added value as it means suppliers value you as a buyer and are therefore more likely to help in situations which are adversely affecting business. For example, if a manufacturer puts an order in for 300 items with their supplier but then realises that they have made an error in the amount, if there is a strong relationship, the supplier may allow the buyer to amend the order after the fact. If there is a poor relationship, the supplier may not be as flexible. The flexibility in the supply chain is therefore a source of added value.
Improving Quality / Innovation
This involves adding value from the customer’s perspective.
g. a customer may choose to purchase a phone that has a longer battery life than others. Procurement’s role in this may be in completing a Value Engineering exercise or procuring higher quality components or materials at the same price in order to achieve this additional feature.In conclusion, the Procurement Department plays a crucial role in organizational success by adding value through improved specifications, streamlined processes, strong supplier relationships, and a focus on quality and innovation. These strategies contribute to enhanced efficiency, reduced risks, and increased customer satisfaction, making procurement an essential function for organizational excellence.
Tutor Notes
- The question asks specifically to name 4 ways of adding value. You therefore won’t get any additional points if you talk about 5 or 6, even though it may be tempting. Instead, focus your response on providing more information on the 4 you have chosen and bulking out your answer with examples. This demonstrates to the examiner that you fully understand the topic AND that you can apply the theory to real situations.
- You could use real-life examples from your own organisation/ experience or you could give a hypothetical situation such as a cake manufacturer. You could talk through how the procurement department at the cake manufacturer can add value by doing the four things in your essay: by amending the specification so the cakes are more tasty, by streamlining the process for ordering flour, by managing the relationship with the company that fixes the machines when they break down, and by introducing innovation such as using an e-procurement system to source raw materials and the benefits that these will bring to the organisation.
- Added value is part of the syllabus for Learning Outcome 1.2 starting from p.19 but I’m gonna be honest, I think the new study guide is a bit crap on this part of the syllabus. The section starts talking about the 5 rights of procurement and I think that makes things very confusing for students. The 5 rights and added value are linked subjects, but they’re not the same. Getting the rights right, CAN lead to sources of added value, but added value is value that is IN ADDITION to what is expected. So, when you have a question on added value, focus on stuff that’s listed under 1.1.4 ‘other sources of added value’ on p.35 rather than talking about the 5 rights of procurement. My list at the top is more exhaustive than the one in the study guide.
- If you’re looking to be really clever you can quote Michael Porter on ‘what is added value?’. Michael Porter looks at this from a customer perspective - ‘added value’ refers to the addition of greater value (either by reducing the cost to produce it, or by adding something that customers are willing to pay more for). These could be; marketing / design, customer service, maintenance, delivery etc. This comes up at Level 5 / 6.
In the supplier selection part of the Procurement Cycle, what criteria can a Procurement Manager use to ensure they award to the best supplier? (25 points)
See the solution in Explanation part below.
How to approach this question:
- This is quite an open question and there are many different things you could mention. One way to approach it would be to use Carter’s 10 Cs- discuss a couple of these. OR just give a couple of criteria in different paragraphs. Some ideas include: Supplier financial status, Reputation / References, Quality, Availability, CSR Policies / Ethics / Environmental considerations, Accreditations, Added Value. This list is not exhaustive.
- If you’re going for Carter’s 10 Cs you could name a couple of these: competency, consistency, capability, control, cost, cash, clean, communication, culture, commitment
- I don’t think either approach is better or worse. Choose the criteria you know the most about and write about those.
- The question doesn’t tell you how many criteria to name, so you have to make a judgement call here. I would aim for 5-6. But if you can only remember 4 that’s fine. The main thing they’re looking for is that you explain for each one 1) what it is 2) how procurement can check 3) why procurement would look at that criteria 4) an example. If you do too many you risk not going into enough detail on each. It’s a balance. 5 is always a good number to aim for if the question doesn’t state.
Example Essay
In the procurement cycle, the supplier selection phase is a critical juncture that demands consideration. Procurement Managers shoulder the responsibility of identifying and awarding contracts to suppliers who not only meet immediate needs, but contribute to the long-term success of the organization. This essay explores various criteria a Procurement Manager can employ to ensure the selection of the best supplier: financial stability, reputation, quality, availability, CSR policies, and added value.
Financial stability is a foundational criterion in supplier selection. Assessing a supplier's financial status involves a multifaceted evaluation, with liquidity and gearing ratio taking center stage. The acid test, comparing short-term assets to liabilities, offers insights into a supplier's ability to settle debts promptly, with a ratio exceeding 1 indicating financial health. Meanwhile, the gearing ratio, reflecting the proportion of capital funded by loans,aids in gauging financial risk, with a ratio below 50% considered low-risk. Relying on published Profit and Loss statements and income statements, along with financial credit checks from platforms like Dun and Bradstreet, empowers Procurement Managers to make informed decisions. This financial scrutiny is imperative to avoid entering contracts with suppliers facing imminent financial struggles, safeguarding against potential disruptions to the supply chain.
Reputation and references are another pivotal criterion. Seeking references from previous contracts allows Procurement Managers to gauge a supplier's track record in successfully delivering on similar commitments. Independent reviews and informal market inquiries supplement this information, providing a holistic understanding of a supplier's performance. However, caution is advised in overreliance on past performance, as variables like personnel changes or contract scale differences may impact outcomes. Recognizing that past shortcomings may have been addressed internally further emphasizes the need for a balanced approach to reference evaluation.
Thirdly, Quality. Beyond the product itself, considerations extend to the supplier's technological capabilities, manufacturing processes, and relevant accreditations such as ISO 9001. Physical visits to supplier sites may be warranted, especially for products like raw materials where samples can be requested. Adhering to recognized safety standards and assessing factors like fire retardancy ensures that the quality of manufactured goods aligns with established benchmarks.
Next, Availability is another important criteria to consider. Procurement Managers must evaluate a supplier's capacity and capability to meet specific requirements. Inquiries about existing contracts and flexibility in response to demand fluctuations provide insights into a supplier's commitment and responsiveness. Assessing the supplier's workload and the significance of the buyer in their client portfolio helps determine the level of attention and service the buyer can expect. A buyer may wish to avoid working for a supplier who is already stretched very thinly with other contracts.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies and ethical considerations have gained prominence in supplier selection. Beyond legal compliance, Procurement Managers may scrutinize a supplier's history for convictions or negative press related to corruption, bribery, or fraud. The presence of a Modern Slavery Policy and Environmental Policy, along with relevant accreditations like ISO14001 or Fair Trade certification, attests to a supplier's commitment to ethical and sustainable practices. Procurement would likely seek to appoint a supplier who’s CSR vision aligns with their own company’s.
Lastly, added value is an important criteria to consider. This is particularly so for Public Sector Organizations governed by the Social Value Act. In addition to meeting contractual requirements, suppliers may offer knowledge sharing, training, improved processes, or contribute to social value by employing local community members or providing apprenticeships. This criterion aligns procurement decisions with broader organizational goals, enhancing the overall impact of supplier relationships and benefitting the local community.
In conclusion, a careful combination of financial scrutiny, reputation assessment, quality evaluation, availability considerations, CSR policies, and added value analysis forms the bedrock of effective supplier selection in the procurement cycle. Procurement Managers, armed with a holistic understanding of these criteria, should seek not only to fulfil immediate needs, but also consider the long-term impact of supplier appointments.
Tutor Notes
- A ‘good’ scoring answer (50-70%) will explain the criteria well and give examples. If you’re looking for a distinction level answer (70% +) you could also mention advantages, disadvantages and risks associated with each of the criteria. For example, when looking at references and reputation it’s important to know that a supplier would only ever provide a good reference to you, they would never tell you of a contract that failed. Another example is that financial data may be skewed- a supplier may have a low score if they are just starting up or have recently remortgaged a property. It’s therefore important to get a commentary as well as the figures / scores.
- You could also mention that criteria could be weighted e.g. more importance given to quality than financial status and also consider how easy or difficult it would be to get the information e.g. a supplier may say they have lots of availability to deliver the service you require, but they may just be saying this to win business. How do you know for sure?
- Social Value Act isn’t in this syllabus. If you work in Public Sector procurement it’s something you’ll be very familiar with. If you don’t or you’re outside of the UK do not worry about this. I’ve just included it to show how you can bring in your own knowledge to questions like this. You could think of particular criteria that’s important to your industry and write about that. The Social Value Act: What is it, and why is it important? (
- Study guide p.77
Sarah has recently been hired as the new Head of Procurement at Alpha Ltd, a manufacturer of small electronics such as hairdryers and alarm clocks. Alpha Ltd has a large factory based in Birmingham where many of the products are manufactured. One of the large pieces of machinery in the factory has recently broken and Sarah has been charged with replacing it as quickly as possible. Sarah is considering using the Whole Life Costing approach to this procurement. What is meant by Whole Life Costing? (5 points). Discuss 5 factors that Sarah should consider when buying new machinery (20 points).
See the solution in Explanation part below.
How to approach this question
- I’d use clear headings with numbers for this one. It asks you for a definition and 5 factors. Number them. Makes it easy for you to write and easy for the examiner to mark.
- Don’t go over 5 – you won’t get any extra points for this. So spend your time giving examples and explaining the 5 well, rather than naming more than 5.
Example Essay
As the new Head of Procurement at Alpha Ltd, Sarah faces the urgent task of replacing a critical piece of machinery in the company's Birmingham factory. Recognizing the complexity of the decision, Sarah contemplates utilizing the Whole Life Costing approach to ensure a comprehensive evaluation that goes beyond initial expenses. This essay explores the concept of Whole Life Costing and delves into five essential factors Sarah should consider when procuring new machinery.
Whole Life Costing (WLC) is a procurement approach that considers the total cost associated with an asset throughout its entire lifecycle. Unlike traditional procurement methods that focus primarily on the initial purchase price, WLC evaluates all costs incurred from acquisition to disposal. This includes operational, maintenance, and disposal costs, providing a holistic perspective on the true financial impact of an asset over time.
Factors to Consider in Machinery Procurement
1) Initial Purchase Price:
While WLC looks beyond the initial cost, the purchase price remains a critical factor. Sarah should balance the upfront expense with the long-term costs to ensure the initial investment aligns with the overall financial strategy.
2) Operational Costs:
Sarah needs to analyze the ongoing operational costs associated with the new machinery. This includes energy consumption, routine maintenance, and potential repair expenses. Opting for energy-efficient and reliable equipment can contribute to substantial operational savings over the machine's lifespan, even though this may result in a higher up-front purchase price
3) Training and Integration:
The cost of training employees to operate and maintain the new machinery is a significant consideration. Sarah should assess how easily the equipment integrates into existing workflows and whether additional training programs are required, impacting both immediate and long-term costs.
4) Downtime and Productivity:
Evaluating the potential downtime and its impact on productivity is crucial. Sarah should assess the reliability and historical performance of the machinery to gauge its potential contribution to sustained production levels and minimized disruptions, impacting the overall operational efficiency.
5) Technology Upgrades and Adaptability:
Sarah should consider the machinery's adaptability to technological advancements and potential upgrades. Investing in equipment that allows for seamless integration with future technologies ensures that Alpha Ltd remains competitive and resilient in a rapidly evolving industry landscape.
In conclusion, adopting a Whole Life Costing approach empowers Sarah to make informed decisions that align with Alpha Ltd's strategic goals. By considering factors beyond the initial purchase price, such as operational costs, training, downtime, and technology adaptability, Sarah ensures that the replacement machinery not only meets immediate production needs but proves to be a cost-effective and efficient asset throughout its entire lifecycle. The WLC approach safeguards against unforeseen financial burdens, fostering sustainable and informed procurement practices in the dynamic manufacturing environment.
Tutor Notes
- Whole Life Costing is on p.28
- Total Life Cycle Costs, Total Cost of Ownership and Life Cycle Costs are all practically the same thing. The book says they’re slightly different, but don’t get yourself bogged down in trying to remember the differences. Honestly, in the real world, people use this language interchangeably.
- Other factors you could have chosen to talk about include commissioning costs and disposal costs
- Don’t worry if you feel CIPS breezed through this as a topic, they did. It’s explained much better in L4M7. You can read more about it here: Whole Life Costing - What is Whole Life Costing | CIPS and here Whole-Life Cost: What it Means, How it Works (
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