Exams4sure Real Huawei H31-162 HCIE-Carrier IP Lab dumps available with this month latest updates. Pass your HCIE-Carrier IP Lab H31-162 Exam with Exams4sure Guarantee.
Our Huawei H31-162 HCIE-Carrier IP Lab Workbook is Real with valid Solution verified by our Huawei Experts Team.
Routing protocols, MPLS VPN features, SR and EVPN features, MPLS TE features, multicast advanced features, high reliability technologies, QoS technologies, BRAS user access, IP MAN, IP backbone network, and mobile bearer network architecture.
Full HCIE-Carrier IP (H31-162) Workbook included
As shown in the following figure, there are 10 NE40E routers, named R1 and R2……R10. R11 and R12 are AR2220. One ME60-X3, named BRAS; there are two S3300 switches, namely, CE1 and CE2.
The PC is a configuration terminal.
All devices are connected to the Switch S5300 through Ethernet cables. In the lab environment, the Ethernet sub-interface and VLAN are used to construct the logical network topology. For details, see Figure 1.
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TESTED 24 Mar 2025
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