Esri EADP19-001
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Esri EADP19-001 Questions and Answers
An ArcGlS user receives parcel data from the regional government, which is supposed to line up with parcels in the data maintained by the local government. The user is tasked with reconciling the discrepancies between the local and regional data.
In which situation are the parcel boundaries within the local data more likely to be accurate than the regional data?
An ArcGIS has created a definition query on a parcel feature in a personal geodatabase to only show areas classified as residential. The user's company has decided to update all personal geodatabase to file geodatabases.
When the ArcGIS user updates the source data to point to the parcel feature class in the file geodatabase they receive the following error.
"One or more layers failed to draw:
Parcel: An invalid SQL statement was used. [Select Shape FROM Parcel WHERE [Parcel] B residential]
Parcel: An invalid SQL statement was used"
What is the correct SQL statement for the file geodatabase?
Refer to the exhibit.
The ArcGIS user is given data for the Arctic, and is asked to perform various types of analysis using the data. The data extends from the North Pole south to 55 degrees North Latitude Data layers may contain points lines, or polygons and include ice surveys from NOAA depth contours; continental margins, locations of known and suspected oil reserves, endangered species habitat and territorial boundaries for nations having Arctic coastline.
An ArcGIS user is asked to calculate the distance a cruise ship will travel through open water, departing from Nome, Alaska, with stops at Point Barrow Alaska Churchill Manitoba St John's Newfoundland and ending in Bar Harbor Maine. On the basis of these calculations the cruise ship line will determine fuel requirements and travel time.
Which map projection yields the most accurate results for this distance calculation?
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With the complete collection of EADP19-001 practice test, Exams4sure has assembled to take you through Technical Certification test questions for your Esri exam preparation. In this EADP19-001 exam dumps study guide we have compiled real ArcGIS Desktop Professional 19-001 exam questions with their answers so that you can prepare and pass Technical Certification exam in your first attempt.
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One of the main reasons candidates might look towards EADP19-001 dumps is to familiarize themselves with the Esri exam format. Technical Certification practice exam can give a glimpse into the types of questions asked and how they are structured.
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TESTED 29 Mar 2025
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