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CWDP-304 Dumps - Certified Wireless Design Professional Practice Exam Questions

CWNP CWDP-304 - Certified Wireless Design Professional Braindumps

CWNP CWDP-304 - CWDP Wi-Fi Design Practice Exam

  • Certification Provider:CWNP
  • Exam Code:CWDP-304
  • Exam Name:Certified Wireless Design Professional Exam
  • Total Questions:281 Questions and Answers
  • Updated on:Dec 2, 2024
  • Product Format: PDF & Test Engine Software Version
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CWNP CWDP-304 This Week Result

CWDP-304 Question and Answers

Question # 1

You are site surveying a network for VoWiFi. You have positioned an AP for a manual survey and are moving away from the AP with a phone in

Survey Mode in your hand and you are reading the RSSI value of the signal received from the AP. You have previously determined that the noise

floor was approximately -94 dBm on this floor of the building. The phones documentation does not specify a recommended RSSI or SNR value for

best performance.

Based on the information provided and the type of device (VoWiFi phone) you are deploying, what minimum RSSI should you plan for in all areas

you are monitoring and where VoWiFi service is desired?



- 75 dBm


- 72 dBm


- 67 dBm


- 62 dBm

Discussion 0
Question # 2

What is a typical characteristic of barcode scanners?



Low throughput requirements


High throughput requirements


Implementation of 3x3 3 chipsets


No support for any 802.11 security solutions

Discussion 0
Question # 3

What service must be implemented on your customers' network to authenticate users against an LDAP database prior to access to the WLAN

infrastructure being granted?










Discussion 0

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Why choose Exams4sure CWDP-304 Practice Test?

With the complete collection of CWDP-304 practice test, Exams4sure has assembled to take you through CWDP Wi-Fi Design test questions for your CWNP exam preparation. In this CWDP-304 exam dumps study guide we have compiled real Certified Wireless Design Professional exam questions with their answers so that you can prepare and pass CWDP Wi-Fi Design exam in your first attempt.

Why Prepare from CWDP Wi-Fi Design CWDP-304 Exam Dumps?

Familiarity with Exam Format:
One of the main reasons candidates might look towards CWDP-304 dumps is to familiarize themselves with the CWNP exam format. CWDP Wi-Fi Design practice exam can give a glimpse into the types of questions asked and how they are structured.

Identifying Key Topics:
Certified Wireless Design Professional exam questions can highlight recurring themes and topics that are frequently tested, helping CWNP candidates to focus their studies on areas of high importance.

Time Constraints:
Candidates under tight schedules may feel pressured to use Certified Wireless Design Professional exam dumps as a way to quickly cover a lot of material. This is often seen in situations where CWDP Wi-Fi Design certification is needed for job retention or promotion.

Confidence Boosting:
Seeing and answering CWDP-304 exam-like questions can boost a candidate's confidence, making them feel more prepared for the actual CWNP exam.


The Certified Wireless Design Professional (CWDP) certification validates expertise in designing, deploying, and optimizing wireless LANs (WLANs).

IT professionals, wireless network engineers, and consultants who specialize in WLAN design and deployment should consider obtaining the CWDP certification.

Earning a CWDP certification can enhance your career prospects, lead to higher salary opportunities, and establish you as an expert in WLAN design.

Yes, CWNP offers forums, webinars, and other resources to connect with other certified professionals and stay updated on industry trends.

The CWDP certification is valid for three years. To renew, you must pass the latest CWDP exam and maintain a current CWNA credential.

Training covers WLAN design basics, site survey methodologies, RF technologies, security design, and network validation and optimization.

Candidates must hold a valid Certified Wireless Network Administrator (CWNA) certification to be eligible for the CWDP exam.

The CWDP certification helps deepen technical knowledge, boosts confidence, and opens up advanced career opportunities in the wireless networking field.

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France France
Fatimata Ba
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Highly recommend Exams4sure for Cwdp 304 certification. Effective practice materials and excellent explanations ensured my success.

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