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Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 Dumps - Acquia Certified Site Builder - Drupal 8 Practice Exam Questions

Acquia Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 - Acquia Certified Site Builder - Drupal 8 Braindumps

Acquia Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 - Drupal 8 Practice Exam

  • Certification Provider:Acquia
  • Exam Code:Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8
  • Exam Name:Acquia Certified Site Builder - Drupal 8 Exam
  • Total Questions:50 Questions and Answers
  • Updated on:Dec 1, 2024
  • Product Format: PDF & Test Engine Software Version
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Acquia Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 This Week Result

Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 Question and Answers

Question # 1

On a site you manage there is a contact form that works well for the Retail Sales unit, but the Commercial Sales manager doesn't want to receive submissions that are about retail products.

How can you solve this problem in Drupal?



Add "Retail Sales" and "Business Sales" categories to the contact form, and set up a Recipients list for each category


Add a new contact form for Commercial Sales inquiries, and update the Recipients list for each form to send submissions to the right people.


Use an add-on module like Webform. since Core doesn't offer this feature


Since there is only one Contact form, create a Content type with fields to collect the information Commercial Sales needs, and set permissions to allow anonymous users to create content

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Question # 2

You are building a recipe site in which users submit their favorite recipes as nodes, tagged with common ingredients from a carefully curated taxonomy vocabulary. You've been asked to create a page on which site visitors can select the ingredients they have on hand and view all the site's recipes that use those ingredients. You've already created a view listing all Recipe nodes

How can you modify the view to support filtering by ingredient?



Create a filter using the Recipe content type's "Ingredients" field Expose the filter to users, making sure it allows multiple selections


For each ingredient, create a separate view display with a contextual filter to limit results by that ingredient


Include a "Combine fields" filter that searches all fields for the ingredient name(s) the user enters.


Add a menu block listing all ingredients Each item in the menu block should link to a subdirectory URL associated with the listed ingredient

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Question # 3

You've downloaded a new contributed module from drupal org and added its code to your site's codebase However, its functionality is not yet available on the site.

What remaining steps might you need to take to get this module working? Choose 2 answers



Verify that the module's code is in the correct location in the codebase


Log in as an administrator and visit /admin/install/module-name to finishthe installation.


Contact the module maintainer to get your site authorized to use the module


Enable the module from the "Extend" page in the site's administrative user interface

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Why choose Exams4sure Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 Practice Test?

With the complete collection of Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 practice test, Exams4sure has assembled to take you through Drupal 8 test questions for your Acquia exam preparation. In this Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 exam dumps study guide we have compiled real Acquia Certified Site Builder - Drupal 8 exam questions with their answers so that you can prepare and pass Drupal 8 exam in your first attempt.

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Seeing and answering Acquia-Certified-Site-Builder-D8 exam-like questions can boost a candidate's confidence, making them feel more prepared for the actual Acquia exam.

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